Thursday, November 5, 2009

Here is a short list of information tidbits regarding the game:
  • Main Character: Niko Bellic
  • Single Player: Yes
  • Multi-player: Yes, 14 modes including Hangman's NOOSE, Team Car Jack City, Car Jack City, Bomb da Base II, Mafiya Work, Team Mafiya Work, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Turf War, Cops 'n Crooks, Race, GTA Race, Deal Breaker and Free Mode
  • Episodic Content: First of two pieces for Xbox 360 in Autumn 2008
  • Graphics: Uses Rockstar Advanced Graphics Engine (RAGE)
  • Physics: UsesNatural Motion euphotia
  • Location: Liberty City, broken up into five areas:
    • Brooklyn is Broker
    • Manhattan is Algonquin
    • Queens is Dukes
    • The Bronx is Bohan
    • New Jersey is Alderney
  • Sea/Air: Helicopters and boats but no planes
The Story

What does the American dream mean today? For Niko Bellic fresh off the boat from Europe, it is the hope he can escape his past. For his cousin, Roman, it is the vision that together they find fortune in Liberty City, gateway to the land of opportunity. As they slip into debt and get dragged into a criminal underworld by a series of shysters, thieves and sociopaths, they discover that the reality is very different from the dream in a city that worships money and status, and is heaven for those who have them and a living nightmare for those who don't.
GTA IV Multiplayer
There are 14 modes of multiplayer including the following: Hangman's NOOSE, Team Car Jack City, Car Jack City, Bomb da Base II, Mafiya Work, Team Mafiya Work, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Turf War, Cops 'n Crooks, Race, GTA Race, Deal Breaker and Free Mode. The Character: Niko Bellic
Niko Bellic is the main character and is described by Rockstar as "tough." His home was in Eastern Europe, and he likely may never have traveled to Liberty City if it wasn't for his cousin Roman who is described as a "friendly buffoon" by Rockstar. Life wasn't going well, and Bellic turns up in Liberty City because he's been receiving e-mails from Roman that are full of lies about how great he is doing in America. Roman is actually in trouble.
However, Niko knows that Roman is the only person he knows in America. Roman serves as one of his main friends, motivations, and connections at the start of the game. Unlike San Andreas, players won't get a chance to see Bellic in his homeland. You will see his life unfold from the moment he steps into Liberty City.

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